Edition 4

The year 2022 marked the return of MUTEK.AR to Buenos Aires, and it did so with more enthusiasm than ever before.
Therefore, we had a very special fourth edition of MUTEK.AR, with a focus on giving greater visibility to the enormous local talent that, due to the adverse circumstances of recent years, had severely felt the lack of stages and opportunities.
Under the direction of Gonzalo Solimano and the general curatorial guidance of Marianella Baladán, a selection of national artists, in dialogue with international artists, were present from September 7th to 10th at the Artlab Cultural Center, the Planetarium, and Palacio Alsina, showcasing the best of electronic music, sound art, and digital creativity. They presented Audiovisual Live Sets, NFT art pieces, virtual reality, and immersive installations.
Furthermore, thanks to the support of the Williams Foundation, we had the honor of welcoming Alain Mongeau, the creator and current director of MUTEK Montréal, who, along with professionals and active cultural agents, accompanied us in all festival activities and offered an open talk on cultural management in digital creativity.
MUTEK.AR was an Artlab production.

Ana Heilpern (AR) / Anormal (AR) / Asdruval Gómez (VE) / Aylu (AR) / Berenice Llorens (AR) / Camila Albarracin (AR) / Carola Zelaschi (AR) / Carol Santana (BR) / Cecilia Simone (AR) / CLON (UK) / Delforus (AR) / Efren Mur (ES/DEU) / Erin Gee (CA) / Federico Durand (AR) / Federico Lamas (AR) / Félix Sainz (AR) / Flabbergast (CA) / Forello (AR) / Frances Adair McKenzie (CA) / Franzizca (AR) / Fronte Violeta (BR) / Gabriel Latorre (AR) / GCRLL (AR) / GLOR1A (UK) / Gonzalo Messi (AR) / Guillermo Ueno (AR) / Jennitza (COL) / Joaquina Salgado (AR) / Jonas Kopp (AR) / Jorge Haro (AR/ES) / Juan Le Parc (FR) / Juliana Mujica (AR)/ Keila Sankofa (BR) / Kermesse (AR) / Kren Orgánico (AR) / L41N_9 (AR) / Laura González (AR) / Laureano Solís (AR) / Lux Valladolid (AR) / Magdalena Molinari (AR) / Maotik (FR) / Mariela Bond (AR) / Martín Remiro (AR) / Microfeel (AR/ES) / Nait Saves (AR) / Nelly-eve Rajotte (CA) / NITTA (ES/DE) / Novilunio (AR) / OKTE x reginaceii x MAJA (AR) / Outro (AR) / Patti Schmidt (CA) / Paula Rebellato (BR) / PRIFMA (CU/AR) / Qoa (AR) / Qualia (AR) / Santiago Bartolomé (AR) / Sebastián Miño (AR) / Sebastián Verea (AR) / Sonya Stefan (CA) / Symi (AR) / Tolch (AR) / Venom (CA) / Verónica Balduzzi (AR) / Vincent Lemieux (CA) / Vlisa Music (AR) / VXN (AR)