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Jorge HaroAR/ES

Jorge Haro<sup>AR/ES</sup>
Jorge HaroAR/ES

Composer and visual artist. He lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Madrid, Spain. He investigates the aesthetic and scientific aspects of sound and vibrations, with particular interest in expanded listening, sound visualization, image sonification, audiovisual relations and data transformation processes from a minimalist approach. His works have different formats: musical recordings, videos, objects, audiovisual performances, acousmatic concerts, installations and exhibitions, which complement each other totally or partially in each project. His recording editions have been published by labels from different countries and have obtained critical recognition in Argentina, Spain, the U.S.A., France and Italy. He has performed audiovisual performances, acousmatic concerts, installations and exhibitions in America and Europe. He obtained a Scholarship for Artistic Creation from the National Fund for the Arts (FNA), Argentina, 2017. He carried out artistic residencies at Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), Stockholm, Sweden, 2016 and at Arteleku, San Sebastián, Spain, 2005. He won First Prize in the Sound Object category from the Music and Technology Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994.

Composition, post-production, restart, memory Since 2015, Jorge Haro has presented live, and with different formats, this work of compilation and re-composition that brings together pieces and fragments of different recording and audiovisual productions, sounds and images of a database under construction since 2001, real-time visuals and lighting design. The timeline is composed live, from a hardware and software system designed by the author. Each presentation of COMP [REBOOT] is different, and is the product of combination, recombination and the addition of new sound, visual and audiovisual materials.